If you're going to put your house on the market for sale, make sure you’re certain that you want to sell. Some people may have a ‘test the market’ type of approach with their property just to see if there’s buyer interest.
If you're going to put your house on the market for sale, make sure you’re certain that you want to sell. Some people may have a ‘test the market’ type of approach with their property just to see if there’s buyer interest.
This can end up costing the owner in other ways if they don't end up selling. There’s potential marketing costs but more importantly it may affect the ‘image’ of the property.
We live in a digital world today and there will be a record that shows future buyers that the property was on the market previously without a successful sale. This could tarnish the property image in future buyers eyes.
Selecting a good agent is crucial. It is one of the most important decisions of the selling process. There are many good agents but like in any industry there are those who are highly skilled & there are others that are not.
Be careful not to fall for free advertising that is just of average quality. Remember, buyers are judging your property. The right marketing campaign is like the fuel for your property sale.
There may be hundreds of properties that buyers could choose from across a number of suburbs at any one time. How will you stand out?
The effectiveness of your marketing campaign will be the difference between a lot of potential buyers noticing your property or simply missing it altogether. The structure & quality of your marketing campaign will determine the amount of separation you create between your property and other properties on the market.
This may be one of the most well known selling tip areas but is often overlooked. Presentation doesn’t just mean how clean your house is but how it flows, what colours are used, how the buyers feel when they first pull up outside your property and how they react to your property both the interior & exterior.
Often we engage the services of property stylists that we work closely with to provide our selling clients with advice on what will best appeal to the highest number of buyers.
Some properties will require landscaping or ‘tidying up’ whilst others might need some furniture rearranged. Most properties can always do with a paint freshen up. Presentation is a crucial element of a successful sale campaign & will create a springboard to obtaining a premium sale result.
One of the most powerful tools in a seller's arsenal is the asking price. Used strategically, it will create urgency amongst buyers. Why is this so crucial?
Because that urgency is what will drive a buyer to act quicker, more competitively & in doing so will lead to a more profitable sale result for the seller.
FOMO (fear of missing out) can be the seller's best friend. Creating an environment that instills FOMO in a buyer's mind will lead to quicker action from interested buyers.
Ensuring that your asking price is used to leverage maximum strategic advantage will lead to quicker & higher offers. This greater level of interest only amplifies our goal of creating a competitive environment.
You want honest advice and feedback you can rely on, with plenty of follow-up for peace of mind.
Our energetic and close-knit sales teams will work tirelessly to find you the perfect property and help build your portfolio, making your search as straightforward and hassle-free as possible.
We can help you stay one step ahead of the market – register for email alerts and you’ll have the opportunity to view fitting properties before they are launched and open to the general public.
You’ll receive notifications of new listings as well as pricing updates from our network based on your unique search criteria. It’s an invaluable resource given that we sell around 20% of our properties off market.
Of course there’s no way to answer this accurately. Every house sale is different. However, on average, we do find that most properties sell within 12 days to 6 weeks. Every seller should be aiming for a sale within the first few weeks as that is the prime time to achieve the best price.
We made the decision a long time ago not to be a cheap and nasty or low fee agent. Reducing the fees often leads to a reduction in service and that is something we are not willing to do. Likewise, no seller wants to pay thousands of dollars unnecessarily. Our selling fees are fair. We’re not the most expensive, we’re not the cheapest but we are the best value.
A good way to look at this is – decorating is your taste (to live with)...Staging is to appeal to a wider audience (to sell). When selling your house you want to appeal to as many people as possible. You only get one chance to really impress a buyer. Experts say that staged homes sell faster and for higher prices.
The team at my house realty have fine tuned various systems and strategies that enable us to sell your biggest asset for a premium price. We believe in working as a team in conjunction with the owners to successfully steer towards our goal. When negotiating for our sellers, we are like a ‘dog with a bone’. We also have one of the best trained and most experienced teams in real estate. We conduct several training sessions each week to keep our skills sharp.
Well the first thing you should do is appoint my house realty to be your selling agent!
This is a complicated question, because every house will have a different answer. Some general tips can include: *CLEANING: doesn’t cost much and has a huge return on investment
*DE-CLUTTER: selling is a great time for a clean out / throw out
*FIX OBVIOUS FAULTS: might be the letterbox leaning or a loose door handle. Always remember, if you can see it….so can a buyer
*ATMOSPHERE: remember you’re selling a lifestyle, not just a house. Also keep in mind that smell is our strongest sense. Get rid of bad odors (pets, smoking, damp). Try for a simple, fresh smell.
Well the first thing you should do is appoint my house realty to be your selling agent!
This is a complicated question, because every house will have a different answer. Some general tips can include: *CLEANING: doesn’t cost much and has a huge return on investment
*DE-CLUTTER: selling is a great time for a clean out / throw out
*FIX OBVIOUS FAULTS: might be the letterbox leaning or a loose door handle. Always remember, if you can see it….so can a buyer
*ATMOSPHERE: remember you’re selling a lifestyle, not just a house. Also keep in mind that smell is our strongest sense. Get rid of bad odors (pets, smoking, damp). Try for a simple, fresh smell.
It’s really a ‘horses for courses’ answer. What we need to look at is the property itself as well as the type of buyer it would attract..
In some areas of Sydney, auctions are the most common way of selling. In other areas, private treaty is. So, the bottom line is, talk with your my house agent and weigh up the pros and cons of both options. Pick the option that will attract the most number of buyers and will create competition amongst the buyers.
This is a question we are asked often. If your house has season appeal, then it might be worth waiting. Seasonal appeal might be if you’re located close to the beach or water or have a beautiful resort style swimming pool in the backyard. The old way of thinking was that Spring was the best time to sell. Yes, there are lots of sales in Spring, but there can also be more houses on the market which means more competition for the sellers. So again, like most things, it can be a case by case situation. Talk to your my house agent and they can lay out all of the possibilities.
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